Tricks men should steal from women

Tricks men should steal from women

 Don’t use a soap on your face: 

If you have oily or sensitive skin, don’t  use  body soap on face. Get a skin-specific face cleaner like Cetaphil , that keeps acne away. Soaps dry skin by causing irritation and wrinkles, opt for a gentle cleanser.

Use SPF every day: 

Don’t go out in the sun without a sun-screen, your skin needs protection from harsh UV rays. Again lines will be reduced once you start using a sunscreen.

·         Condition your hair:
    Most men are done with a quick shampoo instead, indulge in a 5-minute conditioner treatment to soften your hair to prevent it from falling.

·         EXFOLIATE:
      Remove facial dead skin with a scrub and mask, slough these off with a professional facial.

     Soften those lips:
   Most men complain of dry, chapped lips, keep them moisturised with a lip balm or oil. Take a toothbrush to take out dead dry skin.

·         Use a moisturizer
     Men’s faces become dry and flaky due to extreme outdoor exposure, make sure you apply a dab of moisturizer.

·         Clean your nails: 
       if women are over-obsessed about their nails, then men need to learn the trick too. Well-manicured nails make hands look neat and attractive. Keep nails clipped and filed- cleaning regularly under the nails can keep bacteria out.


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